April 12, 2004

One day at a time.

Looking after my son was like looking after a baby,a big baby who spoke, was stubborn, had temper tantrums.
What worked eventually was calm anxiety free communication.No explanations,logic,emotions...Simple short sentences... it seemed to work.
One day at a time was what I had learned at the Alanon meetings I had attended during his drug days.
Well that is what it continued to be all about.Regardless of the diagnosis..regardless of the extent of the "tragedy" it is one day at time infact it is moment to moment, yet this living wasnt to be like living on the brink with anxiety and fear, it had to be calm,hopeful,loving,compassionate,joyous..I was perhaps taking the easiest journey after all it was to do with my child, there are many who extended the same energy, to not one, but many.
How did they reach there?

Posted by Monica at April 12, 2004 04:50 AM | TrackBack


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