February 29, 2004

chatting with B

B has a schizoid personality. He got this label from a court when being separated from his child who he was suspected of abusing. I have known him for years. He is a horrible violent drunk at times. He is also a very good guitar player. He told me tonight that he got a job starting on Monday. He hasn't worked for at least ten years. At least he hasn't worked for money except playing music. He has been sober for six months now. I met him in the local punk scene in the late 1970's when I was into my first untreated psychosis. I didn't know him well then. I did get to know him on my road to recovery in the early nineties. I had to avoid him to get back into school and stay sober.

Punk music had a lot of songs about being insane in a humorous send up kind of way. Songs like Psycho Killer and Teenage Lobotomy, came out of the New York punk scene. Loosing one's mind is a popular rock theme or was back then.

Posted by petert at February 29, 2004 03:06 AM


I read your comment about schizophrenia/psychosis. I'm working with teenage boys who've had a first episode of psychosis...I'm doing art therapy with them both on individual basis and in a group setting.

How do you think art (visual/music/drama etc.) can play a role in the healing...reintegration of such illnesses into the "normal" sphere of life?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Posted by: marnie at March 1, 2004 11:05 AM

Yes, art therapy is good. That liberation from the daily grind is especially important for kids in high school. I am sure you give them positive feedback as well which will make their lives less uncertain. There are also good employment chances for volunteering and working in theatre and music although drug and alcohol abuse become issues in entertainment working.

Posted by: Peter at March 6, 2004 04:36 PM

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