May 09, 2004

Summer course stress or no stress?

I am practicing legal research. I am studying a course this summer that concerns terrorism. I just downloaded the US Patriot Act and yesterday printed off the Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act. I also have to print off the Immigrnation Act of Canada. This is preliminary reading for this course. I don't find this too stressful.

I am relaxed a bit. I did attend the conference for one sesssion yesterday. This session concerned Mexican labour and also childbirth in Europe and also the changing age of women who give birth. I asked one question of a grad student. After the session I talked a bit over coffee with the student M.R. who had studied the Mexican labour demographics and told her about my labour research at Stat's Can. I took some free coffee.

After this session I took the train home and then stayed up with my wife. We talked a lot. I showed her my clinical nursing handbook and how to use it. I read a little para-psychology from a philosophy course reader and then slept at 3 or 3:30. I woke up at about 1 am this morning

I am getting my sleep adjusted so I can attend a three day workshop and be on time. The workshop starts on Wednesday this coming week.

Posted by petert at May 9, 2004 02:38 AM


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