August 12, 2005

My plan will work fine.

I will be able to get the marking done this morning. I should also be able to watch some more lectures on tape and also today's broadcast. I am going to relax for about 15 more minutes. I need to eat something too as my last food has only been chips since that pizza last night at about 7:30 last night. I chatted at yahoo for a few fifteen minute sessions this morning. Just before making the pizza I was chatting there too. Just now people in the room were people just waking up for the day. The previous fifteen minute session was people going to sleep late. I am up since about noon yesterday. I hadn't planned on being up over night tonight but my awake hours increased on Wednesday and Tuesday now I am going to miss some things today and Saturday but I am putting the priorities on work and school for today.

Posted by petert at August 12, 2005 04:19 AM


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