September 15, 2005

I attended the first class of possibly my last legal studies course.

I had in 2001 said that I was studying my last statistics course when I studyed sampling methodology and thereby completed my B.Math degree requirements. I graduated the next term in 2002. I will graduate most probably from my legal studies BA at the end of this term. So while I am only required to complete one more course in legal studies based on past experience I will probably study legal studies courses again after I graduate. I am after all still studying statistics courses a few years after I completed my statistics undergraduate degree.

This evening I attended the legal studies course in criminal law and the political process. I suggested things in class and will record the lecture and class which was filmed this evening and being broadcast tomorrow afternoon. I will see myself on TV being smart and all. I will also probably see my own nervous habits that I exhibit in classrooms.

Posted by petert at September 15, 2005 11:43 PM


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