October 18, 2005

All is not doom and gloom.

I was worried about studying and work last night. But I got my marking done. I also got through the lecture watching from last week's lecture. I have some time this afternoon to view the course web site. I also have some time to prepare for the labs I have to give tonight. This is making me feel good and less pressured. I have also been invited to a SAS educational workshop at the end of the month on Monday October 31st in the morning.

My next problem is getting up tomorrow morning for building inspections as part of my health and safety work. But I will be paid for this work so that should be good. Tomorrow too I am attending and scholarship presentation. I have won this scholarship before so will attend as a former winner. I often chat at the train stop and on the buses with this year's scholarship winner. He is young socialiist activist and is from the USA.

Posted by petert at October 18, 2005 01:16 PM


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