November 09, 2005

I gave three hours of labs last night. I have a volunteer meeting today.

I gave three hours of labs that is three hour long labs last night. The students mostly worked on their own. I solved one problem on the board for them in each lab. I also helped them understand the assignment they were working on and did a fair amount of one on one help. I tried out the libraries laptop borrowing program when I was on my break and surfed my law course newsgroup for about twenty minutes and got in some on-line discussions about our mid-term.

I am just relaxing today after waking up at 1 PM. I helped with the newspapers this morning and slept at 6 AM. My wife bought milk and pop this morning. I am going out to our monthly meeting of a volunteer group I belong too tonight. We will do some practicing support and hear about the New Orleans disaster response.

Posted by petert at November 9, 2005 03:08 PM


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