January 10, 2006

Working more than 8 hours this morning.

I worked more than 8 hours this morning on my statistical consulting job. I stayed up over night and am nearing a 24 hour day. I have to go to school to report this work and get paid. I also have a volunteer meeting as a consumer this afternoon. I also have another volunteer gig that needs some meeting today. Actually besides paid work I have three places I have to be at today. I will also have some preparing for my TA work to do but that can probably wait until tomorrow. I may be able to sleep at 5 PM today or 7 PM at the latest for a 33 hour day. So far 18 of these hours I have spent at home. I also worked yesterday for 1 hour tutoring another student with a disability. I have two hours of volunteering tomorrow night and a few hours on Friday. But that is it for volunteering for the rest of the week. This statistical consulting may be over today if I can get the job done this morning but I am forcing myself to take a one hour break right now. I took 3 mg of risperadol to help me stay calm and not get too wired.

Posted by petert at January 10, 2006 09:42 AM


Hello Peter T. Like you, I've undergone the experience known as "schizophrenia" in this culture. At the time, I didn't know that was the "name" for such experiences in this culture. As a result, I didn't seek medical care -- instead I went into the experience and engaged it fully. I've spent the time since seeking to understand what that experience was all about. I have received no formal therapy or any form of psychiatric medication -- during that experience or since. I've been working full-time for the past few years and have no experienced any more "episodes".

When Eugene Blueler coined the term "schizophrenia" he originally added an "s" to the end of it. Even then, it was understood that there were different forms of schizophrenic experience. The form that is most consistent with my own experience has been grouped under the umbrella term of "spiritual emergency". You are welcome to read through the collection of articles I've organized at my blog [<a href=http://spiritualemergency.blogspot.com/] and make use of any that you find personally relevant or helpful.

Best of luck with your continuing journey.

Posted by: spiritual_emergency at January 10, 2006 02:04 PM


That's Right. Im studying
Psychology at Ryerson and I am enjoying it very much!

From: Maria
Ryerson University

Posted by: Maria Lisa Cicciarella at June 24, 2006 10:24 PM

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