May 18, 2006

We are having a meeting with my wife's ACT team today.

We are meeting with the ACT team today. I did some cleaning yesterday in response to this meeting. I will do some cleaning today. I got in a war of words with the ACT team worker yesterday. She tried to threaten us with evicition but our landlord does not evict tenants. I have also been with this landlord for over twenty years.

I also need to keep working on the air conditioner projects. I did buy the plastic netting/chicken wire. I also bought a good quality staple gun for both this project and also postering on telephone poles. I also need to get some metal. The consumer/survivor engineer suggests a tin cover because then the birds can not get a foot hold. I ran this idea past my brother who has worked as a contractor. He suggests aluminum siding sheets rather than tin. I will glue these to the wood cover then. I could buy tin sheets from a hobby shop. Or I could buy the the aluminum siding from a hardware store. So I need to make that decision still. For now I will make the next step cleaning the machine part of the air conditioner. The frame of the air conditioner is now sparkling clean.

Posted by petert at May 18, 2006 10:31 AM


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