June 27, 2006

Cleaning progress slowed a bit yesterday but carpentry is being prepared for today.

We did not clean so much yesterday. Today the ACT will inspect on the progress. I managed to shred a little yesterday but did not even produce one bag of shredding. I did though get one bag of recycling prepared to go out. I also bought a little more cleaning supplies. I also cleared off the last of the fridge magnets and cleaned up the cupboard above the fridge a bit but it is still brown. I also made arrangements to reschedule the landlord inspection because it had conflicted with a union all day meeting. Today my partner does more laundry and taking out recycling. I need to clear the living room floor and the dinning room floor before Wednesday noon. My mom will come again Wednesday. I lost the paper she had made a list of things to get ready for her. I also today want to do carpentry. Yesterday I bought goggles and work gloves for R who is helping me with the carpentry. I need to read the saw manual now before sleeping. Then I will take my meds and get some rest. I know I need to be well rested to work the saw. I will also tonight find my planned design and prepare to measure tomorrow morning. I will mark the wood tomorrow. Hopefully we will do carpentry tomorrow between 12 noon and 4:00 PM. I will also bring the tools out now and place them on the floor in front of the wood. I got explict permssion from the superintendent for using the side of the building to do wood work.

P.S. I placed all the tools out and materials. Now that manual. Then meds and sleep.

Posted by petert at June 27, 2006 02:32 AM


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