June 29, 2006

Tonight is our board of director's dinner.

Our self-help group Annual General Meeting is coming up. I will need to run for relection this year. I also as president need to give the members a report on our progress over the past year. Tonight, in fact, in one hour we are having our board dinner which we do at year end. We choose a Chinese restuartant because we are located near Chinatown. I believe, I have been to two of these dinners in the past but may have been too busy for last year's dinner. My volunteer duties have been looked after for this evening and I am just on call now. I got some progress early this morning with my marking work and hope to do more of this tonight/Friday morning. I am working a night shift this weekend in my other job but after that I have no work scheduled at this other job. I can't write much about the other job but I will say in involves security work and the shifts are 12 hours long.

Posted by petert at June 29, 2006 05:11 PM


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