August 26, 2006

I stayed up all night Friday and volunteered about 8 hours today with an afternoon nap.

I managed to stay up all night on Friday. I wasted a fair amount of time with on-line shopping this morning but bought nothing. I did read another chapter in the marijuana dependency recovery stories book. I also did some probability studies. I also did some file backups on computers. In the morning I went to volunteer at the green party convention. I was actually filmed a bit by CBC and CPAC while volunteering. I came home at noon and napped all afternoon. I then went back for an evening shift counting ballots and ate the dinner they served. The people doing the serving were on strike earlier this year and I had walked the line with them. I saw a lot of people I know only by email who are long time party activists.

Posted by petert at August 26, 2006 11:52 PM


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