February 05, 2007

I am up on time for work today.

I woke up at 3:30 this morning. I have been reviewing my journals. I have also checked my personal email. I visited some music pages at My Space and I uploaded some old band tapes of mine to My Space yesterday before work. I am listening to the French Pod Class. I will be allowed to listen to this at work. In fact all winter in my new job we are allowed to listen to MP3 players as we work. I have started to listen to my iPod the past two weeks and work faster when listening to music. I am still waiting to possibily be interviewed for a better job at the same workplace. Oh well five days left to work now out of six and then a volunteer training day on Saturday then I have Sunday off work.

Posted by petert at February 5, 2007 05:20 AM


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