May 04, 2007

The income report has been faxed in to the disability office.

I did just now added up our income for the month and then faxed the report to the disability office. Other consumers also have trouble with income reports. I think this is because we are not rewarded for doing this work. These days if we report income we are rewarded with 100$. This new system may help reduce working under the table. But more importantly it may improve our ability to report income on time. We will now be more motivated to produce these reports and to work. I think this is enlightened government policy we now have in our province. It used to be the case that income reporting was over all a negative experience which is why we may have felt that it was such a chore to produce these reports on time. Thus this practical problem in mental health was solved and solved without medications directly.

Posted by petert at May 4, 2007 04:00 AM


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