May 07, 2007

I am staying up all night and then working today.

I decided to stay up all night after waking up at 11:00 AM yesterday. I have had a quiet evening surfing ebay. I have nothing to do to prepare for work today other than shaving and getting dressed. I should go in an hour early so will start to prepare and shave and dress at 5:00 PM. The last few hours I have been tinkering on the computers. I gave up on an old Compaq Pentium 1 laptop Linux install. But I am having luck with organising my desktop folders and files on my Mac laptop and also am going to be testing Linux on my Mac laptop.

Posted by petert at May 7, 2007 01:33 AM


im staying up all night tonight after waking up at 6 am yesterday, going to bed at around eight thirtypm that night, and the re waking at uh.. around ten fourtypm that same night... i dont know if im working tomorrow, or if my sister who recently discovered a large ovariansyst on her ovarie; is going to take my place there... it is two thirty six am right now, work would mean waking up at around six am and going to a non profit daycare center...dont stalk me

Posted by: keith at August 2, 2007 02:37 AM

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