June 22, 2007

R was visiting family but C and J came by this evening.

J and C came by and I gave J his own Mavica camera. I spent about half an hour showing him Windows Explorer in Windows 2000. I showed him how to copy photo files off of the floppy made by the Mavica camera. Then I showed him how to delete the files, then to create on his laptop's My Pictures folder a new folder named after the time-date stamp from the HTML file info page the Mavica creates. Then also store the html file and the photos in this new folder. We then deleted the photos on the floppy and formated the floppy for another use in the camera. I also explained about keyboard short cuts for copy and paste. I showed him also how to save his word file with the date in the file name and how to save as to the floppy. So he is richer for it.

C talked about her paranoia and I told her this was part of paranoid schizophrenia and to identify this next time it happens, and try to avoid this type of thought with other activities

Posted by petert at June 22, 2007 11:55 PM


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