December 02, 2007

I sold my saw and an iPod to help our budget out.

We were so broke at the end of the month. Today we were at zero dollars. Actually worse because of the debits we owe. I was able using the Internet to sell my circular saw which I used for the balcony pigeon proofing structure. I sold it to a local fellow and that got us milk, pop, bread, butter, a magazine and bus fare for school. I might still buy a bus pass for this month but have only one class this month this week and one exam and otherwise a few meetings and such. But even with this the bus pass is cheaper than paying per trip.

I also sold our iPod, the large one. I plan to buy a new one later but right now we just can not afford this piece of electronics. I may buy a new large capacity iPod on the holiday sales. So we have money to meet bills tomorrow when the first banking day of the month occurs.

I am planning on staying up all night now and trying to work two to three extra hours tomorrow. This will bring me much closer to having Friday off work for a conference. This reminds me I need to register for this conference no later than tomorrow. It will also cost a little money to attend.

Posted by petert at December 2, 2007 09:43 PM


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