
Genetic Study in Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder

Contact Name: Maude L. Blundell, MS, genetic counselor

Phone: 888-920-9100, press 1

Geographic location: nationwide

Participant compensation: $50

Time commitment required: 3-5 hours

Drug trial: no

Recruitment end date: unspecified

Study criteria: We are studying parent/child trios and sibling pairs. Study participants will include either 1) persons with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder, and their two biological parents OR 2) persons with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder, and a sibling (brother or sister) with the same or similar disorder.

Brief description of study: We are studying the genetic material of family members with and without a history of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. Relevant family members (e.g., parents of the affected person and/or an affected sibling) are first recruited through the family member expressing an interest in this study. When the willingness of the full family trio (affected child and their biological parents) or sibling pair to participate is ascertained, affected family members will be asked questions regarding their physical and mental health history, and past and current psychiatric symptoms. Interviews can be conducted over the telephone or in person. Kits for obtaining blood samples can be mailed.

The study will pay all reasonable expenses associated with obtaining blood samples (doctor fees, shipping expenses).

Additional information: Please note that the participation of the full trio or sibling pair as described above is required for enrollment in this study. 

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