Mental Health Association response to Health Insurance Improvement

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. (Sept. 20) -Sept. 20, 1996--Major newspapers today are carrying front-page stories on a historic Congressional agreement to expand federal rules for private health insurance benefits, including a major financial expansion of mental health coverage.

President Clinton has stated his strong support for the proposed mental health parity legislation. This is a major step for the Mental Health Assoc. in California (MHAC) and other mental health organizations who have been actively involved in advocacy for legislation that would provide parity healthcare coverage for those with mental illness.

"If approved by the full membership of Congress, this will be the most significant action in our nation's history to end the discrimination of people with mental illness and provide them with the opportunity to receive the quality healthcare coverage that everyone deserves," said Rusty Selix, executive director of the MHAC.

If you are looking to localize this national story, the MHAC can provide you with the names and phone numbers of mental health consumers, family members, government officials, and providers of mental healthcare who have been affected by the lack of quality health care coverage for treating mental illness. Many are articulate advocates with compelling personal stories. For more information, please contact Rusty Selix at 916/557-1167 or Kassy Perry of The Perry Group at 916/658-0144.

CONTACT: Mental Health Assoc. in California Rusty Selix, 916/557-1167 or The Perry Group Kassy Perry, 916/658-0144

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