November 05, 2005

Studying by explaining

I had a talk with my friend a couple of days ago about how easy it was for him to study in pairs. And I told him that even I find it really effective to study by reciting the stuff to another person. But I can't study in pairs as I haven't found a suitable friend with whom I can sit and study. Anyways...I realized that when I used to study earlier by consciously explaining the theoretical concepts in my mind, I would start interacting with the 'voice' again. I would start talking in 3rd person, or 'he' started talking back to me in my mind. So I had stopped doing that, and it made it a bit difficult for me to remember a lot of theory. So now I have decided that I do need to consciously make another effort to 'stay in the present' all the time while explaining stuff in my mind as if I was going to ask a question or be asked one immediately, so that the 3rd person voice does not start again.

Posted by puzli at November 5, 2005 09:40 PM


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