April 05, 2007

Final Communication with Lisa's college


Lisa is all moved out of Spindler. Traci, from housing, is going to send me a form to terminate the lease. She passed on Denise's message that she was going to be charged up to April 2nd. The pro-rated amount will be enclosed in with the form. Is there anything else we need to do? It will be a long road back to school for Lisa. The medicine they have her on now is not working well and she is refusing to take anything else. She does not like to admit to having any limitations. Without that, she will never know how to avoid problems. She treats her education as if it were a race, and, with her disability, she's got to travel on a different track. I hope it happens for her. It just won't be soon. Thanks, again, for all your help!


Posted by fred at April 5, 2007 06:35 PM


I just wanted to thank you for posting this blog. I too have the same illness your daughter has, and was on the same med clozapine. I had bad side effects to it, including a rash that was head to toe. I've been in and out of hospitals all my life, I know how you feel. God bless you and your daughter...

Posted by: Natasha at November 17, 2007 12:18 AM

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