A Father's Experience: January 2007 Archives

January 28, 2007

Progress Update on My Daughter

I am so proud of my daughter! Since I have last written, she was hooked up with a local ACT team which checked on her and gave her meds three times per week. With this kind of support she was able to finish off her senior year in college from all the credits she had received throughout years of plugging away. From there, she applied to WMU to continue to obtain an engineering degree. That was her goal when she started out at U of M almost 10 years ago. She keeps two places of living. One place in her hometown supported by disability money and another on campus supported by government financial aid that she will have to pay back. At the onset of school in the fall, she tried to cut down on her meds. This would have been disastrous. She'd end up in the hospital and would have to drop out of school. In the campus town she lives in, they only check on her once a week. I was worried since her main problem is getting off the meds and ending up in the hospital. I am still her legal guardian to help her out in a pinch and to be able to communicate with anyone within her support system. When I gave her case worker a heads-up, she made adjustments on Lisa's meds and my daughter was able to get on track again. Starting out this 2nd semester, her school discovered an old letter that stated that Lisa was too sick to attend college. As a result, they wanted to discontinue her financial aid. With the help of her caseworker, she got everything straightened out. She is getting straight A's, applying for scholarship, and holding down a part time job. I don't know where this trip is going to take us, but we don't try to cross those bridges until we come to them. Once she gets a degree, I am hoping she can hold down a job without too much trouble. Oh well, one day at a time.

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