
Case Western Reserve Study to Identify Schizophrenia Biological and Psychosocial Risk Factors

Post date: April 2005


The purpose of the PREP Program (study acronym)

Researchers at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan are conducting a research study to learn more about the risk factors for schizophrenia and other major psychotic disorders. The overall goal of this 5-year study with annual follow-ups for 3 years, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), is to identify biological and psychosocial risk factors for schizophrenic or
Schizoaffective illness. Specifically, we will conduct a thorough clinical and neurobiological assessment of children and adolescents who have a family member already suffering from schizophrenia.

Study Participants

Children and siblings of those who have schizophrenia or related psychotic disorders: We will study 150 children, siblings and family members, aged 10-20, of persons with schizophrenia or related psychotic disorders. We wish to study this group for understanding vulnerability to schizophrenia and eventually to clarify ways of early detection and
treatment in this disorder.

Assessment Procedure

We are collecting information from a number of different areas: Demographic Information, Diagnostic Data, Social History, Family History, Physical and Neurological exams, Neuropsychological testing and MR Imaging and Spectroscopy.

Participant Compensation:

Participants will receive a total of $200.00 for their completion of all interviews and tests per year. Family members who participate will each receive $50.00. We ensure strict confidentiality.

Funding source

This study is supported by a NIMH grant.

Contact information

For more information about the study, call or email:

Diana Dworakowski - Pittsburgh at: (412) 586-9000

Atefeh Jenrow - Detroit at: 1-800-650-STEP (7837).



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