
How to Contact Us

Questions, comments, feedback? Email us and we'll respond promptly. Before you contact us please read the following:

  • Help for friend or family member: If you need ideas or recommendations on how to help a family member we highly recommend you join our on-line support groups/discussion areas and talk with other parents, friends and family members who are already discussing these issues. There are thousands of people like you already in the discussion groups - we encourage you to review the messages already posted - most of the key issues related to schizophenia are already discussed on a regular basis and the messages will likely be of value to you.
  • If you're a student, looking for information - we hope you'll find the site very valuable - but please don't send us an email for help. We encourage you to feel free to look around the site and review the messages in the discussion areas (and expecially to use the search feature in the discussion areas to find messages on what you are looking for - but please do not ask people to help you with your research - these are support groups for people with bipolar disorder or impacted by bipolar disorder, and with many visitors coming to the site each day, the members don't have time for helping all the students on on their research). There is plenty of information to do any kind of school report (over 80,000 pages of information - including the messages in our discussion areas and the web pages on our site) so please use the site as much as you like, virtually every question you could come up with has already been answered and all you need to do is search for it.
  • If you're writing to get permission to link to anywhere in our site - please don't. You don't need to ask our permission - feel free to link to any part of the web site you are interested.
  • If you're a book publisher or author - we're very interested in reviewing books related to bipolar disorder and related issues. Please contact us.
  • If you're a researcher into bipolar disorder - we'd like to learn more about your research. Please send us information. We'll help if we can. If you're looking to recruit study participants we have both a basic free announcement service, as well as a low-cost, paid service. contact us for details.
  • If some part of our web site is broken - please let us know! We're a small volunteer organization and we occasionally make mistakes in web site maintenance.
  • If you have some ideas on how to improve the site - please let us know and volunteer to help!
  • If you're interested in volunteering to help us - please let us know your areas of interest, and background and we'll be happy to see if there is any area where you can help.

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