December 30, 2004

still here

Hello and so sorry for taking so long to write. We are all still here and plodding along.

The holidays have been sort of stressful for hb. He had "an episode" on Christmas day when our guests arrived. He just got super paranoid and thought no one said hello to him.
This led him to major trembling of the hands and mouth and he said he couldn't speak with his mouth moving so much. He also could not eat lunch, because he could not keep his food on the fork.
I hate this. Why does he have to suffer so?

I have been working on a lot of art lately. Something I enjoy and keeps me going. I made most all of our Christmas gifts, so that was nice.

I think that our children had a good Christmas. They like their gifts. Sure have enjoyed having them home for the last week or so. I have also been off work this week, so that is nice!

Hope you all enjoy the New Year holiday! I think we will spend a quiet evening at home.

Posted by Jamie at December 30, 2004 12:40 PM | TrackBack


I am a psychiatrist from India. Your writings help me to undestand the problem better.Thanks -pankaj

Posted by: dr pankaj lochan sarma at November 19, 2007 02:17 AM

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