May 25, 2004

Finished another book 39 hours now.

Well my third class in my law course is tonight. I will be late to it as I am keeping minutes at a union voting meeting half an hour before class and that will last until 7 PM or so an hour after class starts. I completed reading another book for my law course. That makes two complete books read, 61 and 203 pages respectively. I have a few more books to read including a text for the course directly assigned by the professor. I have about four pages written now in what is to become a 20 page paper. I also have a about five minutes worth of slides for a ten minute presentation. The essay is about information security related to terrorism and the presentation is about GIS and emergency response. I have put in 39 hours out of class study now.

Posted by petert at May 25, 2004 10:26 AM


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