August 21, 2004

Goal seeking behaviour

After rereading that Cyber Careers book I set some concrete achievable goals for the day. I was also able to make sure I helped with the paper route because the delivery guy was to pay me some money this morning and did. If I had not helped him he would have forgotten to pay me. The priority goal was to get enough sleep and adjust my sleep so that I could be awake for a night shift Sunday night and my main part-time job. I can never sleep when I have been hauling newspapers and then reading them which was another goal to get caught up on reading the news. Although my first plan of sleeping after doing the paper route did not work, I did manage to sleep at 2 PM and sleep until 7 PM and wake up tired and not fully rested. So now I should now be able to stay up about 11 hours and sleep at 6 am and wake up Sunday afternoon, fully rested. Staying up on the night shift hours tonight and not working and being on a night shift time clock and working Sunday night will now be achievable. This over night time tonight not working will give me quiet study time to achieve my less important goals related to school work and union volunteering etc.. I set some specific reading goals and got them done earlier today. I also set some learning and programming goals which have not been done so will get to those after writing this entry and the next one.

Posted by petert at August 21, 2004 11:22 PM


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