September 27, 2004

I volunteered for the network today for 12 hours

I volunteered for 12 hours today with a network of consumer groups. We were doing a strategic plan session. I suggest document collection as a task. We ate lunch there. I was out of town. Most of the day was travel. I started to design a survey for the groups to use with their members when I got home, and set an overly ambitous goal of programming an R module for designing surveys. You don't need to know what R is. I helped some of the other volunteer consumers by loaning them a zip drive to transfer files from thier old laptop to a new one. I also loaned them some Fedora Linux CD's. I am the web master at this group. I need to do more work on their web site. I got home and two neighbours knocked on our door. I have an early morning class tomorrow. I volunteered to help a health consultant for this group. I spent a fair amount of time gossipping about other today and that is bad for paranoid people I know. I had a good time today but need to sleep now.

Posted by petert at September 27, 2004 11:24 PM


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