December 11, 2004

I am ok exploding a little

The trick with anger is to let it out constructively. I was able to do that being a little assertive with the paper delivery guy in our building. He wants to pit his helpers against each other as all bosses try to do. I simply told him I did not want to hear about the other helper. I also did not help him with as much as I usually do. He paid me my usual cash anyways. So rather than explode at anyone innocent yesterday I let my anger out as firmness about my workers rights, and feel fine this morning.

I got a good work report from my security work for my last shift a few weeks ago. I am working at this job later tonight on the Saturday night shift. I also was told by my supervisor in one statistics course I was a TA for that I am a great TA and she hopes to have me again next term. I think this goes to show the power of communicating the nuts and bolts of the teaching process to my supervisor and the students too benefit from clear communications. The Internet helps me learn and practice communications.

Posted by petert at December 11, 2004 07:41 AM | TrackBack


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