June 23, 2005

Studying becoming more intense again along with everything else I do.

I think my studying pushes me in other areas of my life. I just spent about two hours writing my legal studies paper. I spent an hour on Wednesday with a writing tutor as well. So for this week I have spent 2:30 hours in lecture watching and 3 hours so far in extra work or homework. I also read for about an two hours this past week. I will also be working more on my paper. This is the key task at the moment because the paper counts for marks. It is not that I am only trying to score good grades. I am also using this course content to be activist in my community. I am also spending time on campus talking to other disAbled students and am active in a union at school. So all this activity is picking up once again. This is probably why I have made fewer entries in this blog this month.

Posted by petert at June 23, 2005 04:53 AM


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