March 15, 2006

I got myself a movable type web blog for my creative academic writing.

I have always wanted to do a web site where the title i.e. domain was very creative. I also want to do more creative writing on the web and make a very cool site using very recent technologies. So this morning I bought a yahoo small business web hosting plan with a moveable type blog. Mostly this choice was chosen because I enjoy writing my blog here at My personal web page was started in 1995 and is not updated much anymore. My web spaces became places for my collection of school papers. Then my blogs became places for notes of my activities both at school and on my home computers. Then this blog here became a place to write about my friends and my self help group activities, as well as, offer some tips for surviving schizophrenia. I have also a few blogs and other on-line activities which are more social with real life people in my city who are also on-line. I initially found very few other consumers were on-line and it is still the case that my consumer survivor associates do not have great on-line lives. At least they are not on-line where I share with them. Sure we all do email but other forms of interaction are generally with people outside my geographic community and often these people are almost complete strangers to me.

In recovery from schizophrenia my personal, professional and academic social relationships have been improving and becoming more populated with people. This of course makes me feel better and I give back too. In some ways I am learning to choose better on-line activities but there are still many blind alleys and time wasters. I am hoping that by being creative with my new blog/web site that my web mastering skills will be more free which will also feed into my professional web mastering and this will also help the consumer survivor movement. This movement is really a good thing don't doubt that for a moment.

Posted by petert at March 15, 2006 03:05 AM


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