May 31, 2006

Thanks again for the concern of readers my cold is cleaning up.

I took some mixture of chemicals namely Neocitran on the first evening of my cold. I then had no Neocitran left. The package I used expired in February but I recently learned medications are good six months after their expiry date at least under my countries regulations for drugs. Food of course would be much different.

On Monday I was dripping from my nose during the meeting in the afternoon, This happened today on the bus too and a women started to stare at me. I reached in my bag which is full of survival stuff and pulled out my bandana which is also for tear gas protection and blew my nose. What I forgot to include with the bandana is some packages of vinegar for the tear gas but it functioned as a plain snot rag today. Pardon mon Francaise.

Posted by petert at May 31, 2006 11:16 PM


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