June 21, 2006

I got my marking done today.

I attended a joint health and safety committee meeting. I attended just on time and I was fairly disheveled in appearance with three days of beard growth. I did wear a clean shirt and shorts for the summer solstice today. It was a rather cool day. I told another worker on the committee I have schizophrenia but only after she seemed to betray the working class.

I then did some last minute marking. I got it done by noon and back to the professor. I tried to do it over night but fell asleep at about 2:00 AM and slept until 8:00 AM. I came home after lunch and found out I have been invited to an interview for a statistics related job. I phoned up to confirm my attendence this Friday.

I then went back to school to have office hours and also to give a tutorial. It was a rather informal tutorial but I solved some homework problems that had been handed in earlier in the evening.

I am now home and need to clean up some more.

Posted by petert at June 21, 2006 08:32 PM


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