June 22, 2006

I read about social networks and schizophrenia.

I stayed up late to about 2:00 AM and then slept to about 10:00 AM today. I did some cleaning and blog writing and a little studying. I read a chapter in a book, which is a work on the social networks of people with schizophrenia. This is an under studied area according to the author. The chapter in a book is

Abrahamson, David. Social Networks and their Development in the Community in France, Jenny, & Muir, Niki. Communication and the Mentally Ill Patient: Developmental and Linguistic Approaches to Schizophrenia (London: Jessica Kingsley, 1997).
The author looks at some housing options and the observations of social networks amongst discharged patients. This was a study based on some housing in England where social networking was encouraged and studied.

Posted by petert at June 22, 2006 02:44 PM


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