August 08, 2006

The files have been deleted.

I got all the files deleted by leaving the computer on all night. I did my back ups. I spent a little time doing some spell checking again of blogs. None of the on-line blog editing softwares I use has built in spell checkers so I need to copy and paste the blog entries into a word processor from time to time and correct all the entries. I did play some Second Life yesterday but really only looked at one piece of land for sale and did not spend more than an hour playing that game on-line. I also did not chat at yahoo yesterday. I was in too fragile a state to face a possible conflict ridden chat. Yesterday I worked on some work related resume and professional credential word processing files. I also signed up for a conference related to statistics which is sponsored by my new workplace. Mostly I spent time at ebay buying stuff yesterday and did not pay too much for anything. Like I said earlier I bought toy sets this past weekend. But I also bought an older Linux compatible PCMCIA wireless card for the new laptop I am buying.

Posted by petert at August 8, 2006 07:15 AM


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