August 12, 2006

I completed some volunteer training today.

I trained today for helping with a political convention. There was another volunteer H, who used to run the more informal self help group for schizophrenia in the late 1980's and early 1990's, also volunteering. We chatted a bit about what we were up to these days. We also were assigned to work together a bit and enjoyed discussing things for our assigned duties for the convention. I was still a young adult when H and I used to meet at that self help group in an old school that had become a community centre. Like he said we used to talk about everything and anything even things you're not supposed to talk about. H had no formal qualifications to lead this group. In fact, he had no relatives or really any connect to schizophrenia. As he used to say he was only a sales person. He was humble. I really have to thank all the other consumers who used to attend this group. This group helped me make sense of my illness. Also it taught me so much about humans and the diverse membership of the group taught me schizophrenia happens to all kinds of people.

Posted by petert at August 12, 2006 10:58 PM


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