November 23, 2006

Goal achieved with planned structured timing.

The type of therapy I have had the most of is goal oriented therapy. This is where in groups in a hospital patients were taught to set goals and then use the acroynm SMART standing for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Tangible to examine and analyse our goal setting. The goal I achieved just now is getting my homework done. So just as I feel doing simple math problems may be wasting my time this same understanding of the problems being simple means the math work is achievable, and realistic. Also the goal is specific, i.e. complete the course, the homework and problems, which also make it measurable against the course outline and the marks and the overall program at school. Also this morning I planned on doing one simple problem an hour and was able to stick to this plan for the goal. So not only is the goal itself measured but the process of getting there can be measured by time. The tangible is the feeling I get having a nicely computer latex typeset printed pdf file to hand in and admire for its neatness and elegantness. Plus there will be the feeling of pride and wellness I get from getting the work done and thus I have greatly reduced anxiety about making the right choices in my weekly schedule. Also the timing was so perfect this morning I am either manic or getting much better at following a structure and that is another goal namely getting projects done on schedule.

The goal setting work I do reinforces doing more goal setting. Here I borrow some terms and views from psychoanalysis and accept that some forces are always working to sabotage our goals. The further idea of self sabotage has allowed me to cut out time wasters and focus better on my school work and this has worked very well in some degree of application over the past ten years.

So I did it again my school work for this week is done

Posted by petert at November 23, 2006 06:09 AM


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