November 10, 2007

My wife is quietly sleeping in the other room. I am busy with computers.

I stayed up to about 4:30 AM and took 3 mg of risperadol at about 3:00 AM. I slept on the couch and my wife woke me up about 9:00 AM. I had been up working on a computer upgrade as I install Leopard on my Macbook. I am actually much further in debit because I bought this Mac OS upgrade last night.

At the electronics store I also bought my wife the movie Not Without my Daughter which is a racist yet feminist film. So contradictions in movies continue but I doubt this film is seen as a new wave film. My wife was watching the film last night but had been drinking so fell asleep. R came by and we talked while I did work on my computers. I had him read some advanced computer and sociology research and he seems to get some of it. He is studying high school sociology right now to finally get his high school diploma. My wife started to watch this movie again today and then has fallen asleep.

Posted by petert at November 10, 2007 11:37 AM


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