1970's Tale of Schizophrenia - Kristin Bell's Video Blog

December 11, 2007

1970's Tale of Schizophrenia

This is a short film about a guy named Gary who became schizophrenic among the decadence and bright lights of the disco era. In this video he gives a good description of the strange associations that people with schizophrenia often make--things like thinking numbers have mystical meanings and thinking that there are bizarre, super-spiritual connections to things that most people would consider benign. It is not clear whether or not his schizophrenia was brought on by drug use and it is also not clear what happened after his onset of symptoms.

Written By Kristin Bell

To see more stories by and about other people with schizophrenia click the following link:
Schizophrenia Stories

December 11, 2007

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