Nice to meet you! - Lovelyornot

August 8, 2007

Nice to meet you!

So this is me. I'm Elizabeth, and I have schizo affective disorder. If you're on this site, you should know what that is, but if you don't, here's a definition:

Schizoaffective disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis
describing a situation where both the symptoms of mood disorder and psychosis are

Don't you just love wikipedia? So yeah, that's me in a nutshell. But I (usually) manage. I do theatre, I'm in college for sign language, and I am in a successful relationship with an amazing guy. I just do things a little differently, that's all.

For example: I frequently think that I am on a television show, being watched by millions of viewers. There is a director, and everyone's an actor. Yes, like the Truman show.
There are other things too that we'll get into as we go on, but that's the basic one.

Any questions? Ask me anything, and I'll answer.

'cause I dunno what else to say.


August 8, 2007

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