May 15, 2005


I had got to know about my illness two years ago, and last year started writing this blog. I wanted all my family to read it. I wanted all of them to know how I felt, what I had been through, what I was going through. At the same time I had been trying to help one of my friends last year who seemed to be mentally ill. I tried to give it my best, devoting all my time to it. But soon I went into a relapse because of it. As the NewsBlog carried out an article recently, and with my own experiences which I learnt the hard way, for at the time it was the only way I would accept it, caregivers do need their own space and time. They need to be able to shut themselves from our illness for some time to maintain their own sanity and not fall ill themselves. They need to be with themselves and their friends and family who don’t have the illness.

However, I’m really happy today for I got to know that my twin sister, who hadn’t read any of my blog posts till now, sat down day before and read all the posts right from the beginning!

Posted by puzli at May 15, 2005 04:02 AM


Dear Pulzi,
You are so unselfish and giving. Despite your sometimes isolating disease, you can empathize with the people who may be affected by it. What a triumph for you that your loving example finally motivated your sister to read the blogs that are so important for her to understand you! I rejoice for you(and there is also a tear in my eye, as well).
Happily, Paula

Posted by: Paula Kirkpatrick at May 22, 2005 03:42 PM

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