December 20, 2006

Some With Mental Illness May Get Homes

As a result of the 2004 Mental Health Services Act which requires California's mental health departments to increase services and housing to people with severe mental illness, a move was made in San Luis Obispo County (California) to help meet the #1 most urgent need - affordable housing.

The county has contributed $350,000 towards the purchase of a $1.2 million apartment building with nine two-bedroom units. Six of these units will go exclusively, for twenty years, to house adults participating in the county's mental-health programs.

Some people who qualify for the housing are currently homeless or living with aging parents. Payment for the units will depend on income.

Karen Baylor, director of the county's Behavioral Health Department, which includes mental health and drug and alcohol services says:

"If you don't have a place to live, nothing else really matters."

Read the whole article: Some With Mental Illness May Get Homes


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