Bipolar Information > An Introduction to Bipolar Disorder

An Introduction to Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)
Overview and Introduction

Bipolar Disorder and Related Illnesses

Recommended Books on Bipolar Disorder - for people new to the disease

Dr. E. Fuller Torrey's book "Surviving Schizophrenia" is an book we highly recommend for every family affected by schizophrenia. Dr. Torrey is a leader in the schizophrenia research field, and has a sister with schizophrenia, so in writting this book he has drawn from extensive personal, clinical and research experience. For a good news story on Dr. Torrey please see: "Schizophrenia's Most Zealous Foe".

"Diagnosis Schizophrenia" is also an extremely good book that has been written with the direct input from a lot of people who have schizophrenia who discuss their personal experiences. It is valuable for all family members to read, as well as for the person who has schizophrenia. "I'm Not Sick..." is another good book for people to read if they have a family member or friend who does not understand they have schizophrenia and don't think they need help. Lastly, "Schizophrenia Revealed" has also gotten many good reviews.

Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Consumers, and Providers (4th Edition) by E. Fuller Torrey (Author), Publisher: Quill; 4th edition (May 8, 2001) ISBN: 0060959193

I am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! - Helping the Seriously Mentally Ill Accept Treatment by Xavier Amador, Anna-Lica Johanson (Contributor), Publisher: Vida Press; (June 2000) ISBN: 0967718902 - This book helps you learn what the latest research says about why so many do not believe they are ill, why they refuse treatment, and how you can help. The book is written for families and therapists. This book is also available in Spanish (see directly below)

No Estoy Enfermo! No Necesito Ayuda! by Dr. Xavier Amador, with Anna-Lisa Johanson

Recommended Books on Day-to-Day Coping Strategies for Individuals and Families

After a family has learned the basics about schizophrenia in the "Introductory" books above, we recommend the following books be read for ideas and suggestions on how to deal with the many unique, day-to-day challenges that you'll face when trying to help and live with a mentally ill person. "Adamec, herself the mother of a schizophrenic daughter, presents a handbook for developing daily coping and caregiving skills. Not intended to describe, diagnose, or treat any particular mental illness, this book instead advises the caregiver on how to balance the needs of the family as a whole and suggests strategies for dealing effectively with common and serious symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, poor hygiene) and situations (e.g., refusals to take medication, disagreements between the caregiver and doctors or therapists).

Surviving Mental Illness: Stress, Coping, and Adaptation by Agnes B. Hatfield, Harriet P. Lefley, John S. Strauss, Publisher: Guilford Press; (May 21, 1993) ISBN: 0898620228

Other very good books in this area:

How to Live With a Mentally Ill Person: A Handbook of Day-To-Day Strategies by Christine Adamec, D. J. Jaffe, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; (April 1996) ASIN: 0471114197

When Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness: A Handbook for Family, Friends, and Caregivers, by Rebecca Woolis, Agnes Hatfied, Publisher: J. P. Tarcher; (September 1992) ISBN: 0874776953

Overcoming Depression, 3rd edition by Demitri Papolos, Publisher: Quill; 3rd edition (February 1997), ISBN: 0060927828

For more reading materials - we recommend you review our entire list of recommended books and videos.

The Risks of Getting Bipolar

How the Experts recommend that Bipolar is Treated



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