December 04, 2007

My school work has been worked on and I am now ready to focus on work today.

I did some proof reading and writing for my term project this morning. I just emailed a copy to myself at my school email address and need to forward this to the other students in our team. I will just run out to the store now and buy some milk and coffee creamer. Then I will have some final cups of coffee and walk to work. I am still trying to go into work an hour early today. I may not take the Friday off of work anyways. We are working to a deadline right now and there is a fair amount of work to complete for next week. If I make any mistakes they will have the most effect this week and next week I have two days off of work to study for my exam. I have begun to study and will focus on school work after work today and meet my team this evening. We hand on our project tomorrow. It is tricky balancing school and work but I seem to be doing better at it this term with only one course to focus on.

Posted by petert at December 4, 2007 05:14 AM


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