Kristin Bell's Video Blog: January 2008 Archives

January 2008 Archives

January 18, 2008

Comment Glitch

Hi Everybody!

If you were trying to leave comments and it wasn't allowing you to or it was telling you to sign in repeatedly, I am very sorry. It was not your fault. We are having some issues with the software right now and the comments part is not working. If you would like to send me a message, feel free to email me at and I will get back to you. Thanks for your patience. Hopefully we will get everything working soon.

:) kristin

January 14, 2008

Real Meds Talk

Okay everyone, let's get real about our medications! Here I discuss my own struggles with accepting medications. I know all the reasons for NOT taking them. How about some reasons FOR taking them!

For more discussion of medications check out these links:
Schizophrenia Treatments
Schizophrenia Biology & Genetics

And, remember, you are not in this alone. There are millions of us in the world who have schizophrenia and need to take meds! We know it is a struggle!

January 14, 2008

Angel's Movie About Her Schizophrenia

I found another great Youtuber who has made a documentary about her life with schizophrenia and some of the reactions that people have had to her and her illness. How does your situation compare to Angel's? Please feel free to leave comments below. What do you think of Angel's documentary?

About This Archive

This page is an archive of entries from January 2008 listed from newest to oldest.

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