dad fell - Stuart's Blog

January 23, 2008

dad fell

hi, i phoned my dad yesterday because it was his 50th birthday and he sounded awful on the phone so i was that worried that i borrowed more money to go up and see him when i got there he had a gash on the right side of his eyebrow and marks on his face now hes got a black eye but he just keeps wanting to do these crazy things like steal stuff from building sites like wood to make a fence so he took these to massive bits of wood up the road with him and there sitting in our front garden just now and hes trying to dig a hole deep enough but the wood is just to big its crazy, i really worry about him its like hes got a death wish or something but atleast hes not drinking so thats something,i got him a book of poetry because he likes that and hes still not read the book i got him for christmas because he said he would read it when he goes back into hospital.i havent been doing much just lying about i'm really lucky because my girlfriend does all the housework but i help her with the shopping and get the papers in the morning its good because it means i'm going out and doing something even if its not much i would'nt like to not contribute because she would think i'm taking her for a ride or something we also encourage each other to wash and clean ourselves so we work as a team you know what i mean. thanks, all the best, stuart

January 23, 2008

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