girlfriend seen pychologist - Stuart's Blog

January 18, 2008

girlfriend seen pychologist

hi i went out this morning with my girlfriend because she had to see her pychologist and she was alot better she got a sheet on anxiety and seemed to be more positive she is doing alot of cbt cognative behavioural therapy and she writes it all down in her little book she also has a different word she thinks up every day that she repeats to herself to remind herself how much milk shes had and it stops her from panicking ,i keep saying to her that she should rely on her word to much ,if she can use the same word everytime like calm or relax and not worry about the milk so much that it would be easier for her but shes got her own ways to cope the same as me. i done a half hour of the relaxation tape today and feel a bit better but still need alot of practice ,the breathing is the toughest thing then its my focus or concentration but i find if you try and not think of anything and listen to her voice you gradually relax ,it was harder when i first started i had tryed it before but not given it a chance and i had a bad back one time and was lying on my bed at my mums and i saw the tape so i fired it on and it helped my back and genarally made me feel calmer for a while this didnt last that long though just the duration of the tape but i feel now i can make it last longer i dont know if it helps my schiz but if it makes me a little better i'll be happy. all the best, stuart

January 18, 2008

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