seen new cpn - Stuart's Blog

January 15, 2008

seen new cpn

i seen my new cpn june for the first time yesterday and i think it went well she was asking about me and my daily routine and i told her that i was staying with my girlfriend 3 days and up at my mums the rest i also told her that my girlfriend has got ocd and social phobias and shes not taking her tablets ,my cpn june was asking if there was anything she could do for me and suggested some groups that might help with anxiety and stress like raiki and she was asking if me and my girlfriend would like to do something together but i told her it was extremely difficult as my girfriend doesnt like any close quarters with anyone because i need to go to the check out for her and things like that but she helps me get out as i cant go out alot on my own,the only thing about seeing her that was not very good was the way i felt because i was getting panicky and had trouble putting a sentence together at one point because i thought i would need to explain myself about why i wanted to change and i said michael my old cpn was not helping me with simple things like my bus pass and then she offered to help with that which was good, i told her that i might want to change to abilify from risperidal and she said most people go in to hospital to change and that i would need to see her and the crisis team regulary when that happens so i think i can rely on her she also said shes just a phone call away if i needed her, so i think the change was for the best and i'm happy with that, i still need to get use to her though and she said she was alergic to something when she came in because she was taking alot of anti histimines,after she left i felt less panicky and managed to put up 3 rolls of wallpaper for my mum.

January 15, 2008

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