the pub - Stuart's Blog

February 5, 2008

the pub

hi everyone, i have been keeping busy, i went to the pub on sunday night and it was not very busy just old men basically but they all know my dad so i was talking to one about his dog and trying to socialize, after that my dad was supposed to go for an mri at the hospital in the morning but he got up really early and said he couldn't go because he had something to eat ,i think hes scared what the scan might show up maybe he thinks hes got cancer or something,what hes got just now is bad enough without that ,oh and he fell again and hurt his ribs and was thinking about going to hospital but ended up not going, the hospitals are really bad just now 2 of my dads friends are in there just now with tb and renal failure and they got mrsa in there on monday instead of going to the hospital he went for a walk and forgot his water bottle then ended up drinking from a puddle because if he gets to dehydrated he cant do anything after that we were fixing the fence and ran out of screws so i went to the bus stop with him and he said he had to do something so i got the bus to b&q for nails and had a coffee then came back and went to the pub again then to the house and my sister was there and i told her about the motor we are getting her and she was happy, shes been taking lessons and is starting the manouvers girlfriends been having trouble with filling in her dla form and she really wound up about it so i have been comforting her and reaasureing her that things will work out. i'm still taking my tablets and have been allright so far ,i thought i was going to stop breathing again last night but it didn't last long and i got a good sleep for a change.oh yeah i went on chat on monday morning aswell ,so all the best to everybody,
your friend,

February 5, 2008

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