pool - Stuart's Blog

March 2, 2008


hi there, i was playing pool with a guy called john and he was brand new ,i had a couple of pints aswell, just to make it clear i dont go out looking to get drunk i know my limitations and i know i shouldn't be drinking on tablets but it has been tryed and tested and i know it doesn't cause me any ill effects just as long as i only have 1 or 2 and thats all, anyway i use to get really drunk on vodka but stopped it due to side effects and it was starting to effect my family and thats not good,i've been trying to get my dad to stop drinking but he doesn't listen, even the smallest amount like a can or something can have a bad effect on him because of his liver and abdomen and although he thinks he can handle it he only stops when he starts throwing up blood and bleeding and thats not good,so john is a mate of me and dad, my dad new a guy called rab who was a wrestler and its his nephew and we were trying to get his car on the road but he couldn't afford insurance so it was a bit of a waste of time but thats how we met.i have been thinking about going back to work in the garage but if its anything like the last time i wouldn't do it when it was with my dad it was alright we weren't rushed but when we were with archie you never got a break and were constantly on your feet which added to my already fragile mind,maybe i'm just deluding myself i have forgot most of it now anyway and haven't worked for about 6-7 yrs now and without drivers license it would be pointless.thanks for reading, stuart.

March 2, 2008

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